Thursday, March 25, 2010

I spent last evening at a UNICEF Tap Project Benefit concert which raised money for clean drinking water for children all over the world. After having spent some time in Haiti with children who were scooping up dirty water off the streets into plastic containers and watching them drink it, this event and fundraiser really hit home. Living here in Los Angeles, especially here in the Hollywood area, you see people going out every night of the week to concerts and bars and really anywhere for that matter to be seen. Last night's event was filled with some fantastic performers, some more well know then others, but honestly, some talent that was better than I've seen in some "popular" "mainstream" concerts. It wasn't a huge turnout and at first I was thinking that maybe it was because it was a Wednesday night and maybe because it was tax season and maybe maybe maybe? Then I walked out of the event and saw crowds of people lined up at the venue down the street, and crowds of people at the bar a block away and crowds of people lined up at the trendy new spot and I have to say that I got bummed out. It kind of made me a bit frustrated that more people aren't taking an active role in this planet and that we so much worry about what's within our own four walls. Then as I was sitting on my couch last night and thinking about the evening, I thought about the beautiful woman who I met while working the inspired gifts and raffle table whose aura glowed so strongly who decided to hand me $100 to go towards a $500 water pump to save a whole city of childrens lives. I thought about the free spirited woman who bought several tickets at the box office to pay some extra entrance fees for whomever needed one and then proceeded to come over to the gift table and hand over another $100 to buy some raffle tickets and then 10,000 water purification tablets. I continued thinking about all the beautiful people who showed up with smiles and love and energy and ready to share their evening with one another all for a greater cause outside of themselves. I then began to think about if I hadn't gone to Haiti and seen for my own eyes the sadness and devastation that exists there, would I have been so willing to hand my money over or would I have been sitting at home watching American Idol thinking about who I wanted in the finals? Now I'm not saying that anything or any choice is wrong. What I guess I'm saying is that we all have our own life experiences and we all find our own purposes in life, and I'm beyond grateful for those beautiful souls whose pathways chose them to be at that benefit last night. That is what I am going to focus on. So to everyone who constantly thinks about others, who makes it their business to leave others making them happier, who remembers that we are all in this together...I'm glad I can share this journey with you. And for everyone else, I'm sure I'll see you on the pathway soon! For if you truly live a life from the heart, one filled with truth and passion, there is no way you don't figure these things out. ;)

All my Love,
Shari Alyse
"If you want to find your true purpose in life, know this for certain: Your purpose will only be found in service to others, and in being connected to something far greater than your body/mind/ego."
--Dr Wayne Dyer

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